What to Feed a Baby Rock Pigeon: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a bird enthusiast who has come across a baby rock pigeon and is unsure about what to feed it? Or perhaps you’re considering raising a baby rock pigeon as a pet and want to ensure its nutritional needs are met.

Whatever the reason, this comprehensive guide is here to help. Feeding a baby rock pigeon requires careful attention to its dietary requirements, as their nutritional needs evolve as they grow. In this article, we will explore the “What to Feed a Baby Rock Pigeon”

Baby Rock Pigeon

The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Baby Rock Pigeons

Providing proper nutrition is vital for the healthy growth and development of baby rock pigeons. Like all animals, pigeons require a balanced diet to thrive.

A nutritious diet not only supports their physical growth but also strengthens their immune system, promotes bone development, and enhances overall vitality. Feeding the right foods at the right stages is crucial to ensuring the well-being of these fascinating birds.

First Few Days

Newborn rock pigeons rely on a special substance called “crop milk” as their primary source of nutrition. Crop milk is produced by the adult pigeon’s crop gland and is regurgitated to feed the young.

It is a rich, high-protein, and fat-laden secretion that provides essential nutrients for the rapid growth of the chicks. The crop milk contains vital antibodies that help boost the pigeons’ immune system during their early vulnerable stage.

Transitioning to Solid Foods

As baby rock pigeons grow, they start to transition from a liquid diet to solid foods. At around two to three weeks of age, you can begin introducing a commercial pigeon feed formulated specifically for young pigeons. These feeds are available in pet stores and provide a balanced mix of grains, seeds, and essential nutrients necessary for their healthy development.

In addition to pigeon feed, it’s important to provide them with pigeon grit. Pigeon grit is a mixture of small, insoluble stones or grit particles that help grind down the food in their gizzard, aiding in digestion.

Grit is essential for pigeons as they do not have teeth to chew their food, and it plays a crucial role in their digestive process.

Supplementing the Diet

To ensure a well-rounded diet, it’s beneficial to supplement a baby rock pigeon‘s diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. These provide additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary for their overall health. Suitable fruits and vegetables for pigeons include diced apples, pears, grapes, carrots, spinach, and peas. It’s important to cut the fruits and vegetables into small, manageable pieces to make it easier for the young pigeon to eat.

Water, an Essential Element for Baby Rock Pigeons

Proper hydration is crucial for the well-being of baby rock pigeons. Always ensure a constant supply of fresh, clean water is available to them. Water should be changed regularly to prevent contamination and should be provided in a shallow dish to avoid accidental drowning. As the baby pigeon grows, you can gradually introduce it to a water dispenser designed for pigeons, which prevents water spillage and keeps it clean for a longer period.

Rock Pigeon

Avoid Harmful Foods

While it’s important to know what to feed baby rock pigeons, it’s equally important to be aware of foods that are harmful to them. Avoid feeding them foods that are high in salt, sugar, caffeine, or processed ingredients. Additionally, never give them foods that are toxic to birds, such as chocolate, avocados, onions, or alcohol. These can cause severe health issues and may even be fatal to the birds.

Weaning Process

As the baby rock pigeon grows, it will naturally start to transition to an adult pigeon diet. This process usually occurs around 6-8 weeks of age. During this period, you can gradually reduce the amount of pigeon feed and increase the availability of seeds, grains, and other foods that adult pigeons typically consume. Observe their eating habits and adjust their diet accordingly to ensure a smooth transition.

What to feed a 2-week-old pigeon

A 2-week-old pigeon should be fed a diet that is high in protein and carbohydrates. A good commercial pigeon formula is the best option, but you can also make your own. A simple recipe is to mix 1 part cooked oatmeal with 2 parts mashed banana. You can also add a small amount of vegetable oil to the mixture.

Here are some tips on how to feed a 2-week-old pigeon:

  • Feed the pigeon every 2-3 hours during the day. At night, they can go for longer periods without food.
  • Use a feeding syringe or spoon to feed the pigeon. Be gentle, and do not force the food into its beak.
  • Start with a small amount of food and gradually increase the amount as the pigeon gets older.
  • Make sure the food is warm, but not hot.
  • Keep the pigeon warm while you are feeding it.
  • If the pigeon is not eating, you may need to try a different formula or a different feeding method.

Here are some signs that a 2-week-old pigeon is not getting enough food:

  • The pigeon is lethargic and not active.
  • The pigeon’s crop is empty or very small.
  • The pigeon’s feathers are dull and rumpled.

If you notice any of these signs, you should increase the amount of food you are giving the pigeon. You may also need to contact a wildlife rehabilitation center for assistance.

Here are some additional tips on caring for a 2-week-old pigeon:

  • Keep the pigeon in a warm, quiet place.
  • Provide the pigeon with a soft bedding material.
  • Keep the pigeon’s water fresh and clean.
  • Bathe the pigeon gently with warm water and a mild soap once a week.
  • Take the pigeon to a veterinarian for a checkup if you have any concerns.


Can I feed baby rock pigeons bread?

No, it is best to avoid feeding baby rock pigeons bread. Bread lacks the essential nutrients they need for proper growth and can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Stick to a diet consisting of pigeon feed, fresh fruits, vegetables, and water.

What if I find a baby rock pigeon without its parents?

If you find a baby rock pigeon without its parents, observe it from a distance for some time. The parents might be nearby, gathering food or watching over it. If you’re certain the baby is orphaned or abandoned, contact a local wildlife rescue organization for guidance.

When should I start introducing solid foods to baby rock pigeons?

Baby rock pigeons can start transitioning to solid foods at around two to three weeks of age. This is the time when they begin to peck and explore their surroundings. Introduce commercial pigeon feed and pigeon grit during this period.

Can I give baby rock pigeons milk?

No, you should not give baby rock pigeons regular cow’s milk. They are unable to digest lactose properly and may suffer from digestive issues. Stick to crop milk in their early days and transition to a suitable pigeon feed as they grow.

How can I ensure the baby rock pigeon stays hydrated?

To ensure the baby rock pigeon stays hydrated, provide a shallow dish of fresh, clean water at all times. Change the water regularly to maintain its cleanliness and prevent contamination. Consider transitioning to a water dispenser designed for pigeons as they grow.


Feeding a baby rock pigeon requires attention to its evolving nutritional needs. Starting with crop milk in their early days, transitioning to solid foods, and eventually adopting an adult pigeon diet, these birds need a balanced and varied diet to thrive. Remember to provide pigeon feed, grit, fresh fruits and vegetables, and ample clean water. Always be cautious of harmful foods and monitor their growth and dietary preferences. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that the baby rock pigeon receives the nutrition it needs to grow into a healthy adult bird.

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